Our council

South East region

The South East regional representative seat on BVA Council is Fieke Molenaar.

We encourage you to contact Fieke via email: [email protected]

Fieke Molenaar

During the last couple of years, with first the vote for Brexit and all that it entails for both recruitment to the profession and international animal moves, followed by the COVID-19 crisis involving lockdown and revenue loss across veterinary practices, both the political voice of the BVA and the support to the profession have stood out, and the value of membership of such an involved society became apparent to many. Moving forward through these times, it’s important to continuously canvas opinion from membership and feedback on decisions and policy from our association.

As a regional member representative, gathering local member concerns and opinion, I will ensure views are put across clearly, will contribute to ensuing discussions and will feed back any responses from council to its members.

My varied professional background, having worked in small animal and mixed practice, as a wildlife vet, laboratory animal vet, locum TB tester and now as a zoo veterinarian with a strong interest in science and education will enable me to identify with vets from all walks of life within the South East region. I have previously sat on BVA Council as a representative of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, and have chaired the BVA Working Group on Embracing the Vet-led Team. As such, I have current experience in policy development, strategic thinking and teamwork, and I never shy away from a lively debate.

