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Veterinary Nurses (Protection of Title) Bill - fingers crossed for tomorrow's ballot

27 May 2015 | John Blackwell


Veterinary Nurses (Protection of Title) Bill - fingers crossed for the ballot of the House of Lords taking place tomorrow afternoon.

Veterinary nurse examining a catLast week Professor the Lord Trees submitted a Private Member’s Bill for inclusion in the ballot of the House of Lords, entitled Veterinary Nurses (Protection of Title) Bill. This gives me immense pleasure as I have already seen the new RCVS Charter signed, sealed and delivered ‘on my watch’.

The Charter itself allows for the regulation of veterinary nurses by the college and recognises their absolute professionalism and contribution to the veterinary team. If passed the Bill will confer protection of the title 'veterinary nurse' and therefore anyone who is using the title, or even giving the impression that they are on the Register would be guilty of an offence.

BVA has long supported full recognition of the role of veterinary nurses as an essential element to delivering veterinary care to our patients. We fully support RCVS and Lord Trees in taking this forward, and if the Bill is afforded time for consideration will be delighted to provide material to our members to ensure maximum visibility is given to the unique contribution that veterinary nurses bring to our profession.

I can’t claim the strapline, but we are all too aware that ‘veterinary nurses are very necessary’.

The ballot will take place on Thursday (tomorrow afternoon) and we should all be crossing our fingers that it is drawn - watch this space...



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