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BVA policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities

What are our policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities? 

Our policy, lobbying and campaigning priorities determine the focus of our policy and campaigning activity each Association year, helping us to direct resources for maximum impact. They're created in collaboration with our Divisions, Branches in the devolved countries of the UK, and Policy Committee, and signed off by our Council in September each year. Progress against each priority is reviewed throughout the year.


BVA policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities 2023-24

  • Develop and execute a focused awareness campaign on return to work.
  • Launch the Good Veterinary Workplace Accreditation Scheme and develop supporting resources.
  • Develop and execute a focused awareness campaign on neurodiversity.
  • Champion our members’ interests and promote the value of veterinary care in relation to the Competition and Markets Authority review of veterinary services for household pets.
  • Continue to lobby RCVS to undertake a meaningful post-implementation assessment of the guidance on under care and develop a resource to support members in navigating the new requirements.
  • Lobby the Government to reform the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, championing our members’ interests as the Bill progresses to ensure legislation is fit-for-purpose.
  • Continue to support the BVNA-led campaign to protect the veterinary nurse title.
  • Develop a position on RCVS Council composition in the context of the regulation of allied professions.
  • Work with Vet Record to raise awareness and encourage debate on the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice.
  • Lobby the Government to deliver legislation on the key measures previously included in the Kept Animals Bill, including:
    • a ban on primates as pets
    • pre-movement testing for imported dogs
    • bans on importing dogs with cropped ears and puppies under 6 months old
    • livestock worrying.
  • Publish the Animal Welfare Strategy evaluation and promote refreshed set of actions.
  • Work with the relevant divisions to produce joint positions on identified priority animal welfare problems:
    • the use of animals in performance sport
    • farrowing crates for pigs.
    • cages for laying hens.
    • fast growing broilers
  • Complete and publish our position on gene-editing and genetic technologies and lobby for animal welfare to be prioritised in secondary legislation.
  • Lobby for regulation of canine breeding services.
  • Complete and publish our position on Brucella canis and campaign for pre-import testing.
  • Review the evidence on breeding for health and temperament in the context of breed specific legislation and extreme breeding for aggression.
  • Complete and publish our position on companion animal feeding and develop supporting resources for vets to facilitate conversations with owners.
  • Continue to lobby government and the EU to ensure access to veterinary medicines in Northern Ireland.
  • Develop a proposal for VMD on the reclassification of anthelmintics in grazing animals.
  • Develop a report on the veterinary sector’s role helping the UK reach ‘net zero’ to tackle climate change.
  • Develop resources on the “pet carbon pawprint” to support vets in practices to discuss sustainability with their clients.