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Support the work of AWF this Giving Tuesday

24 Nov 2022 | Malcolm Morley


Giving Tuesday on the 29 November is a global day of giving. To mark the day, Malcolm Morley reflects on some of the great work from BVA’s charity the Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF), and shares what you can do to help support the charity.

Support the work of AWF this Giving Tuesday Image

AWF is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of animals. It’s run by the veterinary community, for the benefit of the veterinary community, so that together we can collectively champion and improve the welfare of animals in the UK. AWF’s work covers three main areas: research, education and debate.

Breakthrough research

Over the years, AWF has provided millions in grants and funding to animal welfare related research projects. One recent stand-out project led by investigator Dr Rowena Packer explored the welfare impacts of the ‘pandemic puppies’ phenomenon. The project resulted in two seminal papers being published: One which examined the motivations and behaviours of pandemic puppy buyers, and another evaluating pandemic puppy characteristics, health, and early life experiences. It has also laid the groundwork for further studies, including exploration of motivations and behaviours of people buying designer crossbreed dogs (funded by UFAW), and a follow up investigation into the lives of the original ‘Pandemic Puppies’ from the 2020 study (funded by Battersea Research Programme – due to be published winter 2022).

This important body of research not only highlights changes in puppy buyers’ behaviour during the pandemic, but also reveals majors shifts in the socialisation and demographics of the “pandemic puppies” and raises future welfare concerns.

AWF also recently funded a project exploring the welfare impacts of six rat management methods, led by Dr. Sandra Baker. The study led to a highly anticipated paper which was published earlier this year. This paper informed both BVA’s position on glue traps and the (then confidential) findings were used by Jane Stevenson MP at the time of the Glue Trap (Offences) Bill (enshrined in law in April 2022).

AWF-funded research projects have led to breakthrough diagnosing and treatments in many species, helped inform legislation, and made a real tangible impact on the welfare of animals.

AWF needs your help

Every year AWF supports the improvement of welfare for thousands of animals from pets to wildlife, working animals and livestock.

The charity receives no funding and relies entirely on donations, so contributions of all sizes are greatly appreciated. Donate on the AWF website.


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