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If you’re not yet a member, it’s easy to join BVA at any time – either as an individual or through group membership. BVA membership is open to everyone – no matter what your role within the UK veterinary profession or what stage of your career you’re at.
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If you are studying at a UK vet school.
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£0 £47
Price dependent on vet school
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BVA is an HMRC 'approved body' so your BVA membership can be offset as an allowable expense against professionally earned income.
A higher rate tax payer could save more than £100 against the annual subscription and a basic rate tax payer over £50.
- Self-employed people and locums
If you're self-employed or a locum you can deduct your membership fees as an allowable expense before calculating your taxable profits. - Employers and employees
If you pay your own BVA membership subscription you can claim the tax back on your annual tax form.
If a practice pays your membership on your behalf the practice may have a dispensation with HMRC so that you won't be taxed. Alternatively, the practice will include these fees on your annual P11D tax form - then you claim the tax back on your annual tax return.
You are welcome to join BVA if you are:
- a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)
- on the Supplementary Veterinary Register
- studying for a degree that means you can join the RCVS Register
- a holder of EU veterinary qualifications or those from another country accepted by RCVS
- working in a role related to the veterinary profession (associate membership).
The easiest way to join is to sign up online by selecting a category above.
Alternatively, you can email our friendly membership team at [email protected].
We also have a BVA membership application form which you can fill out and post to BVA Membership, 7 Mansfield Street, London, W1G 9NQ
By applying for membership you're confirming that you'd like to become a member/associate member of BVA and agree to abide by the rules in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. You're also agreeing to pay your subscription on the due date and to notify us in writing before your renewal date if you wish to cancel.
You can pay by Direct Debit, credit/debit card, or cheque.
Paying by Direct Debit gives you the flexibility to choose annual, quarterly, or monthly payments.
To set up a Direct Debit payment for your membership, please join online or complete the BVA membership direct debit form and send it to [email protected]