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BVA policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities

What are our policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities? 

Our policy, lobbying and campaigning priorities determine the focus of our policy and campaigning activity each Association year, helping us to direct resources for maximum impact. They're created in collaboration with our Divisions, Branches in the devolved countries of the UK, and Policy Committee, and signed off by our Council in September each year. Progress against each priority is reviewed throughout the year.


BVA policy, lobbying, and campaigning priorities 2024-25

  • Ensure that the Competition and Markets Authority investigation is well informed and seek to influence outcomes that deliver benefits to the veterinary professions, animal welfare, and consumers.
  • Design and deliver a communications campaign to promote good news stories about the veterinary professions, to counter negative media coverage.
  • Work closely with RCVS to prepare a draft bill for a new Veterinary Surgeons Act and lobby for inclusion in the King’s Speech 2025.
  • Develop a policy position on the use of artificial intelligence in veterinary practice.
  • Roll out BVA’s Great Workplaces accreditation scheme to support career development, health & wellbeing and recruitment & retention.

  • Develop a resource to support members dealing with redundancy.

  • Lobby the Government to deliver legislation on puppy smuggling and mutilations, pre-movement testing for imported dogs, and the regulation of canine breeding services.
  • Review and update BVA’s policy position on neutering of dogs and cats.
  • Create an accessible resource to help pet owners make decisions on diets that are suitable for their pet, including nutrition, safety, and sustainability aspects.
  • Work with our relevant specialist divisions to finalise joint positions on priority animal welfare problems:
    • farrowing crates for pigs.
    • cages for laying hens.
    • fast growing broilers
  • Complete and publish our policy position on the use of animals in performance sport.
  • On welfare at slaughter, work with key stakeholders to increase uptake of the Demonstration of Life protocol in halal slaughterhouses for small ruminants.
  • Develop a policy position and lobby for a UK veterinary agreement with the EU which secures access to veterinary medicines for Northern Ireland.

  • Continue to push for a set of minimum animal welfare standards for international trade deals.

  • Develop resources on the “pet carbon pawprint” to support vets in practice to discuss sustainability with their clients.

  • Complete our proposal on measures to ensure responsible use of parasiticides in grazing animals.