Brucella canis: what vets need to know
14 Feb 2024
27 Sep 2023 | Malcolm Morley
As Malcolm Morley concludes his year as BVA President, he takes a moment to reflect on what being a BVA member means for vets, the profession and animals.
This is a week of many ‘lasts’ as I prepare to hand over the reins of BVA President to Anna Judson at BVA’s annual Members’ Day on Thursday. It’s been a whirlwind year, both challenging and rewarding in equal measure.
Whilst I’m sad my Presidential term is at an end, in my new role as BVA’s Senior Vice President, I’m looking forward to continuing BVA’s work, supporting, championing and speaking out for our members with one strong voice.
As a long-standing BVA member and member of the policy committee, I felt I had a good understanding of the work of the BVA before I joined the officer team. However, immersing myself in the heart of BVA HQ at 7 Mansfield Street, I have witnessed the team's dedication to delivering for members, advancing the veterinary profession, and tirelessly striving to enhance the lives of animals in our care.
These final few weeks have seen new challenges for the profession come over the horizon. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has announced a review of vet services for companion animals and the Government has committed to banning XL bullies by the end of the year. Both will have impacts on the profession and BVA is playing a pivotal role in ensuring the vet perspective is heard on these, and other important issues that matter most to our members. These include: the banning of electric shock collars; ensuring access to vet medicines in Northern Ireland; as well as navigating the new under care guidance, to name just a few.
My presidential theme ‘Investing in People’ addresses many of the issues at the core of our profession's challenges and is anchored in BVA’s Good Veterinary Workplaces initiative. I’m extremely proud of the support we deliver to members which focuses on providing practical resources to help both employers and employees build positive, inclusive workplaces. This culture is vital for fostering thriving veterinary teams capable of recruiting, retaining staff, and delivering high-quality patient care. I urge all members to explore the resources on our website and use BVA Good Veterinary Workplaces as a framework to bring about positive change.
One of the highlights of my presidential year has been meeting with both qualified vets and all the ‘vets in the making’, as BVA has visited vet schools up and down the country to talk about how we can support them through their education and into practice. BVA membership comes with a range of personal benefits, from EMS insurance for vet students and CPD in the form of our fantastic journals. But the benefits are so much more. Being a member enables BVA to speak up for both you and the profession, as well as the animals in our care. Quite simply we can’t achieve this without your support. To our existing members, thank you. To those who have not yet joined us, I extend a heartfelt invitation — join us today and help us speak with one strong voice on behalf of our profession. Together, we can make a profound impact.
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