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Does my pet need a Covid-19 vaccine? BVA allays concerns over recent news reports

26 Jan 2021


We have issued a response following recent news reports about vaccinating pets against Covid-19

Does my pet need a Covid-19 vaccine? BVA allays concerns over recent news reports Image

We have issued a statement following recent news reports about vaccinating pets to curb the spread of Covid-19, which may have raised concern amongst pet owners.

The reports follow an editorial in the latest issue of Virulencein which the authors make a public health case for vaccinations and other measures to curb the spread of the virus among the human population. They also suggest that “the vaccination of domesticated animals might be required to halt further virus evolution and spillback events...[and] to curb the spread of infection.”

BVA Senior Vice President Daniella Dos Santos said:

“Recent news coverage may have raised concern amongst pet owners about vaccinating pets to curb the spread of Covid-19, but it’s very important that people don’t panic. There is currently no evidence to suggest that pets should be vaccinated.

“There have been a very small number of cases reported in pet animals worldwide. These are sporadic, single cases and in all incidents, it is likely that the transmission was from an infected human to their pet animal. There is no evidence that pets are passing Covid-19 to their owners.

“As the authors of the editorial say, sufficient vaccination coverage among humans will help to control the virus. While there is work ongoing globally to test Covid vaccines for animals, there is currently no suggestion that vaccinating animals should be a part of the immediate solution to curbing the pandemic.

“The situation is continually monitored by the World Organisation for Animal Health and our chief veterinary officers, who will be able to advise if and when the evidence changes.”

For the latest coronavirus updates, see our Coronavirus Information Hub.


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