Travel grants for vet students and recent graduates

BVA Research Travel Scholarship

The BVA Research Travel Scholarship (Harry Steele-Bodger Memorial Travel Scholarship) was established in September 1953 to honour the memory of Henry W Steele-Bodger, President of the Association from 1939 to 1941, in recognition of his great services to the veterinary profession and agriculture, particularly during World War Two. See Harry Steele-Bodger's biography.

The scholarship is intended to assist a visit to a veterinary or agricultural school, research institute or some other course of study or project.

Applications for research projects that contribute to sustainable development or benefit communities in low and middle income countries are encouraged.

The 2023 award was presented to recent Royal Veterinary College graduate Dr Kimberly Tam.

2024 applications now closed

Who can apply?

Penultimate and final year veterinary students, and graduates of UK and Ireland veterinary schools qualified for no more than three years.

Apply for BVA Research Travel Scholarship

2024 applications are now closed.

Applicants will be informed of results by the end of July.