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New strain of swine flu detected in person in the UK

28 Nov 2023


The British Veterinary Association has responded after a new strain of swine flu was detected in a person in the UK.

New strain of swine flu detected in person in the UK Image

The case of influenzaA(H1N2)v virus was detected as part of routine national flu surveillance undertaken by UKHSA and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). The individual was tested by their GP after experiencing respiratory symptoms. The patient experienced a mild illness and has fully recovered although the source of their infection has not yet been confirmed and is still under investigation.

British Veterinary Association President Anna Judson said: "Reports that the new AH1N2v swine flu strain has been found in a person in the UK are concerning, but this is so far an isolated case with mild symptoms and the patient has made a full recovery. However, this shows that zoonotic diseases, which can transfer from animals to people, do pose a threat to human health and so vigilance and good biosecurity is key. It highlights the crucial role of disease surveillance and the importance of state veterinary services in protecting both animal and human populations from emerging diseases. Farmers and frontline vets also play a vital role in the early detection of diseases and effective disease monitoring.”

More information can be found here - Swine influenza: how to spot the disease


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