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LGBT History month: Leah Morley Q&A

24 Feb 2020 | Leah Morley


To celebrate LGBT History Month, throughout February we are featuring Q&As with some key role models. Leah Morley, Senior Vice President BVLGBT+, shares her experience of the veterinary profession and reminds us it's ok if you have questions and doubts about who you are, there is always support to help you if you need it.

LGBT History month: Leah Morley Q&A Image

Can you tell us what started/inspired your path into the veterinary profession?

I grew up in the country and was always surrounded by animals, I loved learning about them and looking after them. Most of my family are ‘human’ nurses, this was never an option for me; I’m really bad at nursing people, but I do love the caring aspect of nursing. It seemed a natural progression to go into veterinary nursing.

What has been the best part of your career so far?

I’ve been very lucky that I have always worked with employers who have accepted me for who I am; from Melbourne to London, I’ve never had to lie about being a gay woman.

What are your proudest achievements of your career?

Being involved in the British Veterinary LGBT+ group; getting to listen to other people’s stories and helping the visibility of the LGBT+ community in the veterinary profession. One of my proudest moments during this time has been marching alongside the members of the BVLGBT+ at various Pride events; a standout is London Pride, with so many people lining the streets to show their support for diversity - it was very inspiring.

What advice would you offer to someone experiencing difficulty with their sexuality or gender identity?

Everyone’s journey is different, find support that helps you with yours. It is ok to have questions and doubts and be prepared to be who you need to be until you’re ready to define it; or not define it. Most importantly, you’re not alone.

If there is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self what would that be and why?

Growing up in the Outback of Australia I had very few role models, having someone to tell me what I was feeling was normal and that I would live a happy and fulfilling life despite being different to the ‘norm’ we were being taught at school would have been really helpful.

This is part of a series of posts in celebration of LGBT History month. Keep an eye on the BVA blog for our other posts throughout February.


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